Where were they born?

Here is a chart showing where our ancestors were born.

You might find my Ancestor tree or my Last Name Index useful.
You also might be interested in the ship manifests or the census data I have found.

Jonathan & Georgia's Ancestors

           +-- Jacob "Jack" Morris Gelman    Russia
      +-- Alfred Paul Gelman                                      
      |    |
      |    |    +-- Aaron Weinstock                     
      |    +-- Mary Tova Gelman              Loshitz, Poland (Russia)
      |         +-- Rachael Leah Weinstock  
 +-- Marc David Zev
 |    |
 |    |         +-- Moshe Storch         
 |    |    +-- Samuel Storch                 Przemysl ("Schemish"), Poland
 |    |    |    +-- Raisel Storch               
 |    |    |        Alex Beiss (brother)     Austria
 |    |    |
 |    +-- Blanche Elaine Gelman
 |         |
 |         |        Clara Gart (sister)      Galicia, Poland
 |         |        Rose Greenspan (sister)  Austria/Poland
 |         |    +-- Abraham Sudwertz            
 |         +-- Rose Storch                   Jaslo, Poland
 |              +-- Risha Sudwertz           Krosno, Poland 
Jonathan & Benjamin Zev
 |              +-- Mordechai Schuster       Russia
 |         +-- Irving Schuster               Russia
 |         |    +-- Henia Schuster           Russia
 |         |         +-- Rachel Sklar        
 |         |             Suzanna Schwartz (sister-in-law) Russia
 |         |        
 |    +-- Sheldon Herbert Schuster
 |    |    |         
 |    |    |   Hilda Watkins (cousin)        Russia
 |    |    |   Max Bergen (cousin)      
 |    |    |   Estelle Holzberg (cousin)     Russia 
 |    |    |        Sophie Bergen (sister)  
 |    |    |    +-- Ephraim Picus            Russia
 |    |    +-- Yvette "Yetta" Levy           Uzda, Russia 
 |    |         +-- Rose Picus               Russia
 |    |                                            
 +-- Jacqueline Beth Zev
      |         +-- Mordechai Fishel Fox                
      |        Molly Zinamon (sister)        Nekashulka, POLAND
      |    +-- Morris Fox                    Poland
      |    |   Lillian Olias (sister)        Ludz, Poland
      |    |   Betty Sykes (sister)          Ludz, Poland
      |    |   Gert Fein (sister)            Ludz, Poland
      |    |   Phillip Fox (brother)         Toronto, Canada
      |    |   Matt Fox (brother)
      |    |    +-- Sylvia "Tsyril" Fox       
      |    |
      +-- Sharon Lee Schuster
           |    +-- Max Galinsky             Shalvi, Lithuania          
           +-- Dorothy Fox                   Russia
                +-- Goldie Galinsky          Shalvi, Lithuania  

Last updated on 11/20/24.

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