Here are the Census forms that I have found for our relatives. The year in [square brackets] is the year the person immigrated. The other years are the census years. The notation e.g. "(80-83)" after the census years tells you what lines to look on in the census page. The census years that are not clickable are years for which I *should* be able to find census documents, but haven't yet.
If the person's name is clickable, you can find other documents by clicking on their name.
You can also see census pages for relatives of my friends. I also have the census column headings in a readable format for each of the 1900, 1910, 1912, 1930 and 1940 censuses.
You can find tips for searching for manifests yourself in my notes, under "Finding Manifests for your Relatives"
You can find tips for printing in my notes, under "Printing Manifests and Census pages"
You might find my Ancestor tree or my Last Name Index useful.
You also might be interested in the ship manifests I have found, or my summary of where everyone was born.
When you are done with these, check out my Stories
Comments are appreciated!
+-- Jacob "Jack" Morris Gelman [1912] 1920 1930 (80-83) 1940 (54-58) 1950 (16-21) +-- Irene Gelman 1940 (32-37) +-- Alfred Paul Gelman 1940 (54-58) 1950 (16-21) | | | | +-- Aaron Weinstock [1907] 1910 1920 (38) 1930 (3-8) 1950 (9-12) | | Jack Weinstock (brother) [1920] 1930 (88-91) | +-- Mary Tova Gelman [1920] 1930 (80-83) 1940 (54-58) 1950 (16-21) | Hyman Weinstock (brother) 1930 (3-8) 1940 (17-21) | Jeanne Leitner (sister) 1930 (3-8) 1940 (21-25) 1950 (11-15) | George Weinstock (brother) 1930 (3-8) 1940 (44-47) 1950 (23-27) | +-- Rachael Leah Weinstock [1920] 1930 (3-8) 1950 (9-12) | +-- Marc David Zev | | | | +-- Moshe Storch | | +-- Samuel Storch 1940 (69-72) 1950 (30) | | | +-- Raisel Storch | | | Alex Beiss (brother)[1911] 1920 (43-45) 1930 (28-31) | | | +-- Sheindl [Nussbaum] Beiss | | | Dora [Nussbaum] Lanter 1930 (27-31) | | | | +-- Blanche Elaine Gelman 1940 (69-72) 1950 (1-3) | | | | Clara Gart (sister) [1920] 1920 (41-44) 1930 (98-100) | | Rose Greenspan (sister) [1904] 1910 1920 (8-10) 1930 (37-38) | | +-- Abraham Sudwertz | +-- Rose Storch [1920] 1930 (23-30) 1940 (69-72) 1950 (1-3) | Regina Schloss 1950 (25-29) | +-- Risha Sudwertz 1950 (25-29) | Mendel Spindler (brother)[1923] 1930 (87-89) | Gussie Ulan (sister) [1897] 1900 1910 (8-11) 1920 1930 Gussie (49-50) 1930 kids (1-3) 1950 (10-11) | Rose Racher (Gussie's daughter) 1950 (19-21) | Bessie Jacoff (sister) [1903] 1910 (67-71) 1920 (60-65) 1930 (23-30) | Bluma Fabian (sister) [1909] 1910 (67-71) 1920 1930 (2-5) | Harry Spindler (brother)[1910] 1920 (93) 1930 (37-41) | Rosie Striker (sister) [1920] 1930 (23-30) | Benjamin Spindler (brother)[1912] 1920 (60-65) 1930 (42-44) | Mechel Spindler (brother)[never came to US] | Jonathan & Georgia Zev | | +-- Mordechai Schuster [1923] 1930 (97-100) 1940 (16-21) | Annabelle Schwartz (sister) [1911] 1920 (73-76) 1930 (26-30) 1940 (63-67) | Ruth Ottenstein (Annabelle's daughter) 1950 (9-16) | Herman Schwartz (Annabelle's son)[1900] 1910 (91-98) 1920 (73-76) 1930 (26-30) 1940 (63-67) 1950 (9-16) | J. Kenneth Schwartz (Annabelle's grandson) 1950 (30) Celia & kids 1950 (1-3) | Mildred Picus (sister) [1923] 1930 (12-14) 1940 (16-21) 1950 (24-30) | Gerald Picus (Mildred's son) 1930 (12-14) 1940 (16-21) 1950 (24-30) | Joy Picus (Gerald's wife) 1940 (5-7) | Helen Klass (sister) [1923] 1930 (97-100) 1940 (16-21) 1950 (1-2) | Charlotte Jacobs (sister) [1922] 1930 (97-100) 1940 (58-60) 1950 (1-4) | +-- Irving Schuster [1922] 1930 (1) 1940 (1-4) 1950 (24-30) | | +-- Henia Schuster [1923] 1930 (97-100) 1940 (16-21) | | +-- Rachel Sklar | | Aaron Schwartz (bro)[1898] 1900 1910 (91-98) 1920 (90-94) 1930 (88-93) (Aaron deceased in 1927) | | Bessie LeKachman (cousin)[1903] 1910 1920 (25) 1930 (18-20) | | Louis Schwartz (cousin)[1898] 1900 1910 (23-25) 1920 (97-100)1930 (81-86) | | Sarah Liess (cousin)[1899] 1910 (64-65) 1920 (19-21) (more pages) | | Rose Teitelbaum (cousin)[1902] 1910 (91-98) 1920 1930 (67-70) | | Lillian Pessin (cousin)[1894] 1900 1910 (91-98) 1920 1930 (88-93) 1940 (22-25) | | Jack Schwartz (cousin) (deceased in 1910) | | Isadore Schwartz (cousin)[1899] 1900 1910 (91-98) 1920 (90-94) 1930 (90-92) (see also) | | Esther LeKachman (cousin)[native] 1910 (91-98) 1920 (90-94) 1930 | | Harry Schwartz (cousin)[native] 1910 (91-98) 1920 (90-94) 1930 | | | +-- Sheldon Herbert Schuster 1940 (1-4) 1950 (24-30) | | Sandra Rockwell (sister) 1940 (1-4) 1950 (24-30) | | + Michael Litt 1940 (31-35) | | + Marty Rockwell 1940 (69-72) 1950 (24-27) | | | | | | Hilda Watkins (Sophie's daughter) 1910 (16-22) 1920 (66-70) 1930 (74-78) | | | Max Bergen (Sophie's son) 1910 (16-22) 1920 (66-70) 1930 1940 (33-37) 1950 (27-30) Evan 1950 (1) (Lefkowitz pages) | | | Estelle Holzberg (Sophie's daughter) 1910 (16-22) 1920 (66-70) 1930 (97-100) 1940 (47-50) | | | Sophie Bergen (Ephraim's sister) 1910 (16-22) 1920 (66-70) | | | +-- Ephraim Picus [1906] 1910 1920 (66-71) 1930 (64-66) | | | Bessie Katz (sister) [1907] 1910 (7) 1920 (3-6) 1930 (43-47) 1940 (68-71 and look at 48-51) 1950 (11-12) | | | Max Picus (brother)[1912] 1920 (66-71) 1930 (12-14) 1940 (16-21) 1950 (24-30) | | | Nathan Picus (brother)[1907] 1920 (66-71) 1930 1940 (4-8) 1950 (12-16) | | |Samuel Lakritz (Nathan's son-in-law) 1940 (10-13) | | | Sam Picus (brother)[1907] 1920 (66-71) 1930 (64-66) 1940 (53-55) | | +-- Yvette "Yetta" Levy [1907] 1920 (66-71) 1930 1940 (1-4) 1950 (24-30) | | +-- Rose Picus [1907] 1920 (66-71) 1930 (64-66) | | Fannie Picus(sister) [1898] 1900 (60-66) 1910 (63-69) 1920 (4-9) 1930 (64-68) | | Morris Picus(Fannie's son)[1898] 1900 (60-66) 1910 (63-69) 1920 (4-9) 1930 (53-56) | | Judy [Chemerov] Picus (Morris's daughter-in-law) 1930 (58-61) | | Anne Silverman(Fannie's daughter)1900 (60-66) 1910 (63-69) 1920 (39-40) 1930 (64-68) | | Nye Picus(Fannie's son) 1900 (60-66) 1910 (63-69) 1920 (4-9) 1930 (42-44) | | Roy Picus(Fannie's son) 1910 (63-69) 1920 (4-9) 1930 | | Lillian Wexler (Fannie's daughter) 1910 (63-69) 1920 (4-9) 1930 (64-68) | | | | Lena [Himmelstein] Marszak (Rose & Fannie's sister) | | Itza Rochel Sorkin (Sister Himmelstein's daughter) | | Bessie Guterman (Itza's daughter) [1921] 1930 (20-23) | | Sam Pinchuk (Itza's son-in-law) [1926] 1930 (45-47) | | +-- Jacqueline Beth Zev | | +-- Mordechai Fishel Fox 1921 (35-42) | Molly Zinamon (sister) [1918] 1920 (54-56) 1930 (37-40) 1940 (1-4) 1950 (22-24) | +-- Morris Fox [1923] 1921 (35-42) 1930 (17-21) 1940 (80) 1950 (17-21) | | +Phillip H. Olias (brother-in-law) 1940 (80) | | +Lillian Olias (sister) [1924] 1921 (35-42) 1930 (73-78) 1940 (1-5) | | Betty Sykes (sister) 1921 (35-42) | | Gert Fein (sister) 1921 (35-42) | | Phillip Fox (brother) 1921 (35-42) 1940 (45-47) 1950 (15-18) | | Matt Fox (brother) 1921 (35-42) | | +-- Sylvia "Tsyril" Fox 1921 (35-42) | | | Don ("David") Fox (brother) 1930 (17-21) 1940 (1-5) | Renee Schreiber (sister) 1930 (17-21) 1940 (1-5) 1950 (17-21) | George Schreiber (brother-in-law) 1920 1930 (38-43) | Marjorie Lebenbom (sister) 1940 (1-5) 1950 (17-21) +-- Sharon Lee Schuster 1940 (1-5) 1950 (17-21) | | +-- Max Galinsky [1908,1919*] 1911(14-21) 1920 (88-91) 1921 (16-20) | Hyman Galinsky (half-brother)[1913] 1911(14-21) 1920 1930 (66-70) | Ruben Galinsky (brother)[1910,1919*] 1911(14-21) 1930 | Sam Galinsky (brother)[1910,1919,1922*]1911(14-21) 1920 (88-91) 1930 (78-81) | Lillian Kraisman (sister)[1910*] 1911(14-21) 1921 (19-21) 1930 +-- Dorothy Fox [1910,1923*] 1911(14-21) 1921 (16-20) 1930 (17-21) 1940 (1-5) Betty Lebove (sister) [1910*] 1911(14-21) 1921 (16-20) 1930 (22-24) Harry Galinsky (brother)[1910,1919*] 1911(14-21) 1920 (88-91) 1921 (16-20) 1930 (17-21) 1940 (4-7) +-- Goldie Galinsky [1910,1919*] 1911(14-21) 1920 (88-91) 1921 (16-20) More pages for Sarah Liess's family: Hilbert Liess(Sarah's Husband) [1899] 1900 (52-57) 1910 (64-65) 1920 (19-21) 1930 Dorothy Raccoli (Sarah's daughter)[native] 1920 (19-21) 1930 (76-80) 1940 (17-19) Theodore Raccoli (Sarah's son-in-law)[native] 1920 (39-44) 1930 (20-25) 1940 (17-19) More pages for Isadore Schwartz's family: Harry Gold (Isadore's son-in-law's father) 1920 (28-30) 1930 (25-30) 1940 (41-46) Rose Richter (Isadore's mother-in-law)[1911] 1920 (2 pages: 97-100 & 1-2) 1930 (2 pages: 49-50 & 51-53) More pages for Max Bergen's family: Sam Lefkowitz (Max's father-in-law) 1900 (41-45) 1910 (61-67) 1920(93-100) 1930 (88-95) Tessie Zinn (Max's sister-in-law) 1940 (61-64) Robert Lefkowitz (Max's brother-in-law) 1940 (13-14) Andy Lefkowitz (Max's brother-in-law) 1940 (11-12) Kravitz cousins: Abe Kravitz [1920] 1930 (17-19) 1940 (10-14) Anna Weinstein [1910] 1920 1930 (75-78) 1940 (30-33) Meishe Kravitz's kids: Nechama [Kravitz] Meister [1911] 1920 (11-18) 1930 (92-96) 1940 (26-28) Libby [Meister] Sweet [1911] 1920 (6-10) 1930 (41-46) 1940 (54-60) Sam Meister 1940 (8-11) Joe [Kravitz] Crown Henye [Kravitz] Levin Sophie [Cohn] [Segal] Sharpe [1905] 1910 1920 (85-87) 1930 (38-39) 1940 (75-80) Abe Cohn [1907] 1910 1920 1930 (41-45) 1940 (75-80) 1950 (14-17) Merrill Cohen 1950 (8-11) Isadore Cohn [1912] 1920 (8-10) 1930 (33-36) 1940 (61-65) Sam Cohn [1913] 1920 (85-87) 1930 (23-26) 1940 (52-56) Sidney Prosansky (Sam's son-in-law) 1940 (41-42) parents 1940 (38-40)*Max, Goldie, Dorothy, Ruben, Sam, Lil, Dorothy, Betty, and Harry went through Ellis Island in 1910 (1908 for Max), then went to Canada. Max, Goldie, Sam (Munya) and Harry came to the US in 1919 to farm for a year, then went back to Canada. Sam then came back in 1922. Dorothy entered the US permanently in 1923. Betty came to the US between 1920 and 1930. Lillian came through the US on the way to Canada in 1952. Max and Goldie never returned to the US.
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Last updated on 1/28/2023.
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